Concentrated Tris-HCl Buffer (Tris-HCl buffer) according to TU 9398-036-05595541-2011 is intended for diluting investigated samples during coagulological testing of the activity of all coagulation factors, determining the concentration of fibrinogen, analyzing coagulation inhibitors, XIIa-dependent fibrinolysis, etc. The reagent is designed for use both manually and on all types of semi-automatic and automatic coagulometers.
Method Principle: Dilution of the investigated sample with the working buffer solution brings the concentration or activity of the investigated parameter into the linear range. The Tris-HCl buffer reagent is a transparent colorless liquid, and the concentration of sodium ions in it, after preparing the working solution, is in the range of 98–102 mmol/liter, and pH is in the range of 7.35–7.45.
Kit Composition: • Concentrated Tris-HCl buffer (5 ml/vial) – 6 vials.
Normal and pathological values of tests conducted with the Tris-HCl buffer should be monitored using Control Plasma (pool of healthy donors) (Plasma N), code KM-1, and Control Plasma, code KM-2.