Calibration solutions of hemiglobincyanide (Hemiglobincyanide) according to TU 9398-010-05595541-2009 are intended for calibrating instruments and determining total hemoglobin in blood using the hemiglobincyanide method with the help of a calibration curve on spectrophotometers (SF) and photoelectrocalorimeters (FEC).
Method Principle: The method is based on the formation of a stable compound, hemiglobincyanide, from blood hemoglobin, the intensity of the color of which is proportional to the amount of hemoglobin. The reaction occurs in two stages:
Composition of the kit:
To verify the accuracy of hemoglobin determination using the hemiglobincyanide method (internal laboratory control), a set of control solutions of hemoglobin (Diagem K) produced by the "MBOOI Society of Hemophiliacs," with the code GM-3, is required.