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Patoplasma VIII

Pathoplasm VIII Control

The kit is designed for quality control of the determination of factor VIII activity in the in vitro system. It includes plasma from donors, plasma from patients with hemophilia A, plasma from patients with thrombophilic conditions associated with high levels of factor VIII, and therapeutic preparations such as cryoprecipitate and fresh frozen plasma (FFP).

Pathoplasm VIII Control with reduced levels (approximately 20%) and elevated levels of factor VIII (approximately 200%) is used for quality control of the determination of factor VIII coagulation activity using a standardized one-stage clotting method:

  • In donor plasma
  • In plasma from patients with hemophilia A
  • In plasma from patients with thrombophilic conditions characterized by high levels of factor VIII activity
  • In therapeutic preparations such as cryoprecipitate (Factor VIII)

Method Principle: The Pathoplasm VIII reagent is analyzed simultaneously with the patient's plasma or the investigated preparation (cryoprecipitate, FFP) when determining the activity of factor VIII.

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Kit Composition:

  • Plasma with 20% factor VIII activity, lyophilized (1.0 ml) – 3 vials
  • Plasma with 200% factor VIII activity, lyophilized (1.0 ml) – 3 vials

One kit is designed for conducting 120 analyses with a consumption of 0.05 ml of reagent solution per analysis.