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Reagent kit for performing coagulation tests (Coagulo-Test) according to TU 9398-008-05595541-2009. The kit is designed for conducting the following tests: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) (cephalin time), Activated Recalcification Time (ART) (kaolin time) in blood plasma, both manually and on semi-automatic and automatic coagulometers capable of detecting clot formation in the presence of kaolin.

APTT, PTT, and ART are among the most common and sensitive tests for detecting a wide range of coagulation disorders. APTT and ART vary depending on various quantities of fibrinogen, prothrombin activity, factors V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, contact factors, and the presence of specific inhibitors of coagulation factors VIII and IX. APTT is a widely used method for monitoring the effectiveness of parenteral administration of heparin, where clotting time increases proportionally to the level of heparin. In patients taking oral anticoagulants, levels of circulating factors II, VII, IX, and X are reduced, leading to an increase in APTT. In the presence of nonspecific inhibitors, such as lupus anticoagulant, APTT and ART may be prolonged.

Method Principle:

  • APTT: Incubation of plasma with an optimally standardized ratio of phospholipids and kaolin activates the factors of the internal coagulation pathway. Adding calcium ions to the system neutralizes the citrate in the plasma and allows for the formation of a fibrin clot. During APTT measurement, the time from the addition of calcium ions to the formation of a clot is recorded.

  • ART: Addition of substances to the examined plasma with the ability to contact-activate Hageman factor, such as kaolin suspension, standardizes the initial phase of the blood coagulation process and significantly accelerates this process. Further activation of coagulation cascade factors occurs on the plasma's own (present in the examined plasma) phospholipid matrices.

  • PTT: The principle is based on determining the clotting time of plasma when adding an optimal amount of phospholipids and calcium chloride to it.

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Kit Composition:

  • Erylide (phospholipid component), lyophilized – 2 vials.
  • Kaolin 0.5% suspension (5 ml/vial) – 2 vials.
  • Calcium chloride 0.025 M solution (5 ml/vial) – 2 vials.

One kit is intended for conducting 200 analyses of blood plasma with a consumption of 0.05 ml of reagents per analysis.

Normal and pathological values of APTT, PTT, and ART tests should be monitored using Control Plasma (pool of healthy donors) (Plasma N), code KM-