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Thromboplastin with Calcium

Reagent for Prothrombin Time Determination (Thromboplastin with Calcium) according to TU 9398-028-05595541-2009

The determination of prothrombin time is a highly sensitive and simple screening test that detects abnormalities in the external and common pathways of blood coagulation (Factors II, V, VII, and X). It is recommended for:

  • Diagnosing inherited and acquired coagulopathies
  • Diagnosing liver diseases

It is intended for the determination of prothrombin time (PT) in venous blood plasma and the calculation of the prothrombin ratio (PR) and prothrombin index (PI). Additionally, it is used to determine the percentage of prothrombin according to Quick's method (% of normal).

Principle of the method: By adding an excess of tissue thromboplastin and calcium ions to citrated plasma, the time of fibrin clot formation depends solely on the activity of factors in the external and common coagulation pathways: I, II, V, VII, X. The measurement is taken from the moment of adding thromboplastin with calcium to the plasma until the formation of the fibrin clot.

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Composition of the set: Thromboplastin with Calcium — lyophilized water-soluble reagent with calcium ions obtained from rabbit brain. • Thromboplastin with Calcium (8 ml/flask) — 10 vials. One set is designed for conducting 800 analyses with a consumption of 0.1 ml of thromboplastin with calcium per analysis, or 400 analyses with a consumption of 0.2 ml of thromboplastin with calcium per analysis. Normal and pathological values of prothrombin according to Quick's method and prothrombin ratio should be monitored using the Prothrombin Control kit, code KM-17, or Control Plasma (pool of healthy donors) (Plasma N), code KM-1.